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nike heels The ground was sloping downward now, and becoming more and more like a rubbish dump. The air was heavy and full of smoke, and of other smells besides: acrid chemicals, decaying vegetable matter, sewage. And the farther down they went, the worse it got. There was not a patch of clean soil nike heels in sight, and the only plants growing anywhere were rank weeds and coarse grayish grass. Ahead of them, above the water, was the mist. It rose like a cliff to merge with the gloomy sky, and from somewhere inside nike high heels it came those bird cries that Tialys had referred to. Between the waste heaps and the mist, there lay the first town of the dead. Here and there, fires had been lit among nike high heels the ruins. The town was a jumble, with no streets, no squares, and no open spaces except where a building had fallen. A few churches or public buildings still stood above the rest, though their roofs were holed or their walls cracked, and in one nike heels case a whole portico had crumpled onto its columns. Between the shells of the stone buildings, a mazy clutter of shacks and shanties had been put together out of lengths of roofing timber, beaten-out petrol cans or biscuit tins, torn plastic sheeting, nike high heels scraps of plywood or hardboard. The ghosts who had come with them were hurrying toward the town, and from every direction came more of them, so many that they looked like the grains of sand that trickle toward the hole of an hourglass. The jordan heels ghosts walked straight into the squalid confusion of the town, as if they knew exactly where they were going, and Lyra and Will were nike heels about to follow them; but then they were stopped. A figure stepped out of a patched-up doorway and said, "Wait, wait." A dim light was glowing behind him, and it wasn't easy to make out his features; but they knew he wasn't a ghost. He was like them, fashion shoes alive. He was a thin man who could have been any age, dressed in a drab and tattered business suit, and he was holding a pencil and a sheaf of papers held together with a clip. The building he'd stepped out of had the nike high heels look of a customs post on a rarely visited frontier.

Par qtrueman le jeudi 07 juillet 2011


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